
关于沈阳的英语作文 沈阳啊沈阳我的故乡

2024-10-06 20:267722 空晨钰
1、  中考英语作文家乡沈阳篇12、  My hometown is located in the beautiful city of shenyang, liaoning province, which has beautiful sce

1、  中考英语作文家乡沈阳篇1

2、  My hometown is located in the beautiful city of shenyang, liaoning province, which has beautiful scenery all the year round.

3、  Spring flowers are the first to open, and the yellow flowers of flowers appear, symbolizing the coming of spring. The peach blossoms are not weak, waving the pale pink petals waving to you.

4、  Summer, the lotus pond, beautiful again, the distant croak, near the cicada cries, and the play of children play each other, spread through each of the streets.

5、  Autumn, go to the world expo garden to turn a turn, all sorts of chrysanthemum, let you be beautiful, linger to return.


6、  In winter, the snow covers the whole earth, the pine tree is green, and the snow has children's happy footprints.

7、  This is my lovely hometown, my favorite shenyang, I love my beautiful scenery melting home.

8、  我的家乡坐落在美丽的辽宁省沈阳市,这里一年四季都有美丽的景色。

9、  春天迎春花最先开放,吐着黄色的花蕊,象征着春天的到来。桃花也不示弱,挥动着淡粉色的花瓣向你招手。

10、  夏天,莲花满池塘,美丽一遍,远处的蛙叫声,近处的蝉叫声,还有孩子们相互嬉戏玩耍的打闹声,传遍每条大街小巷。

11、  秋天,到世博园去转一转,各种各样的菊花,让你美不胜收,留连忘返。


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