
小学六年级单词各种形式 六年级上册英语单词

2024-10-17 19:216163 连怜南
小学六年级第一单元英语单词:Unit 1  Unit 1  1. Asia n. 亚洲  例句:Aisa is the world's largest continent.  亚洲是世界上最大的洲。  2. Japan n. 日本 

小学六年级第一单元英语单词:Unit 1

  Unit 1

  1. Asia n. 亚洲

  例句:Aisa is the world's largest continent.


  2. Japan n. 日本

  例句:Japan is a country in East Asia consisting of islands.


  3. Tokyo n. 东京

  例句:Tokyo is the capital and largest city of Japan.


  4. Thailand n. 泰国

  例句:Thailand is a popular place for tourists to visit.


  5. Bangkok n. 曼谷

  例句:Bangkok is the capital city and main port of Thailand.


  6. north-east adv. 东北

  例句:The road runs northeast for another few miles.


  7. north-west adv. 西北

  例句:She ran northwest towards the park.


  8. south-east adv. 东南

  例句:We continued southeast to school.


  9. south-west adv. 西南

  例句:The plane flew southwest toward Egypt.


  10. exhibition n. 展览会

  例句:Have you seen the Picasso exhibition? ie exhibition of paintings by Picasso.


  11. capital n. 首都

  例句:London, Paris and Rome are capital cities.

  伦敦﹑ 巴黎﹑ 罗马都是国都。

  12. kilometer n. 千米;公里

  短语:distance to beach 2 kilometers 距海滨2公里

  13. information n. 信息

  例句:For further information please write to...

  欲知详情, 请写信致……

  14. palace n. 宫殿;豪华住宅

  例句:The palace spokesman has just issued a statement.


  15. tourist n. 游客;观光者

  例句:London is full of tourists in the summer.


  16. million num. 百万

  例句:She made her first million dollars before she was thirty.


  17. building n. 建筑物

  例句:Schools, churches, houses and factories are all buildings.

  学校﹑ 教堂﹑ 住宅﹑ 厂房均为建筑物。

  18. huge adj. 巨大的

  例句:Canada is a huge country.


  19. famous adj, 著名的

  例句:Paris is a famous city.


  20. sushi n. 寿司

  例句:Sushi is a kind of Japanese dish.


小学六年级单词各种形式 扩展

小学六年级英语单词有: 一、名词,包括单数和复数,复数分为以下几类,1.通常情况下,多数名词都是在单词后面加s,2. 以s、x 结尾的单词,在单词后面加es,以f或fe结尾的单词,先去e或fe,再加ves;


小学六年级单词各种形式 扩展

1.职业 (jobs)

  doctor医生 driver司机 singer歌手 farmer农民 nurse护士 teacher教师

  student学生 writer作家 actor男演员 actress女演员 cleaner清洁工 engineer工程师

  TV report 电视台记者 artist 画家 policeman 警察 accountant 会计

  salesperson销售员 player运动员

  2. 反义词

  big---small大的/小的 long ---short长的/短的 tall--- short高的/矮的

  thin--- fat瘦的/胖的 heavy---light重的/轻的 happy--- sad高兴的/悲伤的

  open---close打开/关上 good--- bad好的/坏的 new---old新的/旧的

  old ---young年长的/年青的 cold ---hot冷的/热的 far---near 近的/远的

  right---left右边/左边 east---west东面/西面 south---north南面/北面

  go---come 来/去 up---down 上/下 here---there这里/那里

  3. 衣服(clothes)

  T-shirt T恤衫 shirt衬衫 skirt短裙 shoes鞋子 dress连衣裙 hat帽子

  jacket 夹克衫 socks袜子 sweater毛线衣 coat外套 boots靴子 jeans牛仔裤

  shorts短裤 pants长裤 slippers拖鞋 sandals凉鞋 vest背心 sneakers运动鞋


  home家 room房间 bedroom卧室 bathroom卫生间 kitchen厨房 living room客厅

  study书房 school学校 classroom教室 gym体育馆 playground操场 canteen餐厅

  park公园 art room美术室 farm农场 library图书馆 teacher’s office老师办室

  computer room计算机教室 music room音乐教室 post office邮局


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